Information on the amendment of the Higher Education Act
Higher education law reform process
- In February 2019, a first proposal for the amendment of the BayHSchG was adopted by LAK Bayern [statement]
- In January 2020, a position paper on the legal anchoring of LAK Bayern as a legitimate state student representative body was adopted [position paper]
- In mid-October 2020, LAK Bayern participated in an expert hearing in the Bavarian State Parliament on the amendment of the BayHSchG [statement]
- At the end of October 2020, the State Ministry of Science and Arts presented the key points paper on the amendment of the BayHSchG [key points paper]
- At the end of 2020, the position paper “Vision of a Bavarian Higher Education Landscape 4.0” was adopted by LAK Bayern and LWB in response to the key points paper [position paper]
- At the beginning of February 2021, a position paper of the LAK Bayern on the shaping of the internal governance in the BayHSchG was adopted [position paper]
- In mid-February 2021, Minister of State Bernd Sibler explained the current status in the development of the draft law in several livestreams on YouTube [recording 02/10/2021]